Sanitation Training Curriculum
- Lowering levels of bacteria found on cosmetics
- Avoiding cross contamination
- Eliminating the risk of spreading disease
- Keeping the client safe during an application
- Single use disposables
- Microorganisms
- Blood-borne pathogens
- Common contagions
- Covid-19 protocols
- Check points for learner retention
- Final assessment for certification
Sanitation Conversation’s Sanitation Kit
Protects 200 clients from cross contamination and disease.
Includes: 1 #SANITATIONCONVERSATION Branded Clear Bag, 4oz Brush Shampoo, 8oz Hospital Grade Disinfectant, 8oz 70% Isopropyl Alcohol, 8oz Brush Cleaner, 8oz Hand Sanitizer, 200ct. Disposable Cotton Rounds, 200ct. Disposable Cosmetic Wedges, 200ct. Disposable Spatulas, 200ct. Disposable Cotton Buds, 200ct. Disposable Eyeliner Applicators, 200ct. Disposable Lip Applicators, 200ct. Disposable Mascara Applicators, 200ct. Disposable Wax Paper Palette Sheets, Metal Pencil Sharpener, Stainless Steel Metal Cup

From brands to celebrity artists to everyday makeup artists, Sanitation Conversation™ is the Sanitation Training Certification that is trusted by all!

I Cannot Speak More Passionately About Proper Sanitation Practices
It’s OUR jobs as makeup artists to hold ourselves accountable to a higher standard when it comes to cleanliness. I am so thrilled that Sanitation Conversation is working to educate artists on proper practices. Their kit with all of the cleaners and disposables is absolutely brilliant! I use these items in my kit daily and so should you. Spread the word, take their class, step up for your career and clients.

Sanitation Conversation Promotes GOOD HEALTH ON SET!
Stopping the cycle of spreading germs by chemically or mechanically removing them with cleaning and disposing and not contaminating products is ideal as a makeup artist.
My first job as an artist is to protect the client by being sanitary and by also practicing great sanitary methods.
Thanks Sanitation Conversation for providing gifts bags of disposables for our SKINCARE BASIC CLASS! They are ideal for daily sanitization makeup

As a Makeup Artist & Lash Artist, Sanitation is More Important Thank Skill.
You can be GREAT at your craft but if you’re exposing your clients to bacteria, and they become infected, that will stay with them long after the impressiveness of the service.
I am excited to implement the education of Sanitation Conversation and share the benefit of the training my students.

Greatly Furthering My Education.
I have always taken pride in my sanitary protocol during makeup applications, but the Sanitation Conversation Modules have taught me so much more, thereby greatly furthering my education.
Thank you for all that you do!

It Has Helped Me Become More Organized And Also More Vocal.
If anything it has helped me become more organized and also more vocal with both clients and other people in the industry. I’ve always been a little OCD, very organized, and super into sanitation and safety from doing FX on set and beauty. People just noticing that my setup is different from other artists helps get that conversation going and is super important.

Sanitation Conversation has been a HUGE boost to our education program for Beauty School Students!
The support, information, products, and excellence in training stands in a class all its’ own.
There is NO OTHER program that educates on proper sanitation practices (which everyone in the Beauty Industry SHOULD be adhering to) like Sanitation Conversation. We are honored and proud to be partnered with Sanitation Conversation.

Frequently Asked Questions
While state licensing is a good start, they do not have the appropriate regulations for health grade sanitation protocols. Additional sanitation training is needed to perform a higher level of safety, minimizing the chance of infection for both the makeup artist and client. Often government guidelines are basic regulations. Each industry has to adhere to those but can institute more rigorous ones.
Example: The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) are government regulations. However, laboratories are accredited by the College of American Pathologists. Laboratories are inspected every two years. These inspections incorporate CLIA plus more comprehensive requirements, especially quality control.
While attending makeup school provides a more formal approach to learning the fundamentals of training and typically includes sanitation, it does not mean you learned “health grade sanitation”. Because most makeup schools are privately owned there is no universal approach to sanitation.
Absolutely! In addition to the application of typical cosmetics, Special FX artists are responsible for the application of additional materials including but not limited to adhesives and prosthetics – all of which should follow health grade sanitation practices.
A team made up of educators, developers, designers and a microbiologist.
Sanitation Conversation is the standard in health grade sanitation training for makeup. The certification is necessary to distinguish those who are Sanitation Specialists and those who are not. We cannot uphold a standard without a framework and criterion in which to meet those standards. By becoming certified you have completed your training and successfully passed your assessment.
The investment is small in comparison to the cost of legal action if a client or employee contracted a virus, fungi or parasite during their makeup application. You have learned how to protect yourself and your client using proper health grade sanitation. You have more knowledge then what is required from the state level. In addition, the certification allows you to provide value to your customer and secure adequate pricing.
Your certification is valid for one year from the completion date of your sanitation training unless otherwise noted. The cost of re-certification is $25 and includes training updates and additional resources.
You are not required to purchase the kit bundle. The sanitation training and certification is sold separately. The sanitation kit offered is a companion product to the training. It was created for the convenience of the artist and to avoid sourcing all of the products and tools needed to practice health grade sanitation.
What credentials do I receive upon completing the Sanitation Standards training?

You will also be added to Sanitation Conversation’s Artist Directory where clients can verify that you are Certified in Sanitation Standards.